How to Conduct Effective Board Meetings

Board Management Software

Board meetings are the time where board members offer valuable input on a company’s progress. Board meetings can also be a chance for members to build camaraderie and trust.

A successful board meeting begins with a clear explanation of the meeting objectives before the board meets. This includes the distribution of a board document that contains all the information required for the discussion (no need to send more than what’s crucial) and creating an agenda that emphasizes what’s most important to discuss.

Robert’s Rules of Order is used by certain boards to guide their meetings. However, this book isn’t necessary for all boards. In general, it’s the chair’s responsibility to ensure that all invitations and materials are sent out in time, that notes are taken and that board members receive all the required materials prior to a meeting.

One of the most common errors that companies make is not planning and the distribution of their board documents advance. It’s essential that you inform the board of meeting objectives to all attendees before the start of the board’s meeting, so directors have a chance to prepare and ask questions prior to the meeting. This will free up time during the meeting for discussions and enables you to keep the meeting as brief as you can. In fact, if you have a particular board member who demands the inclusion of a long report on their agenda, schedule it for the last minute and at least an hour prior to any breaks.

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